Student Advice on ExamsThu, 09 May 2024With exams approaching, it is only natural that stress levels are high. Stress can often present itself in many forms such as anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, and overwhelming feelings. But it is important to manage these symptoms for improved mental and physical health, as well as exam performance. So how can you manage stress this exam season? There are many ways to manage stress. For example, practical self- care tips. Activities that help you to wind down and relax will make a huge difference to stress levels, this can be as simple as taking a bath or watching your favourite film. As stress can often make us feel overwhelmed, it may be helpful to split up big tasks into more manageable chunks, making revision less daunting. Additionally, planning can also make revision seem less frightening. Try making a small to-do list to help clear your mind and make an efficient plan of action, gaining back those feelings of being in control. Science also proves that being more active can help reduce stress, as exercise releases endorphins which make us feel good. Maybe consider going for a short walk or bike ride with family and friends to help release nervous energy. Some of the simplest ways to reduce stress is to try and think more positively, perhaps by naming three things you are grateful for, no matter how small. Releasing stress does not have to be complicated and can be as simple as talking about your feelings with friends, family members and teachers at school. If you ever feel that you need more support, charities such as Mind, Young Minds, and the NHS, have hundreds of resources available for free online. By Zara Wilson, Madeley Academy Sixth Former