Information for Employers

We offer a variety of services to help employers engage with and recruit Madeley Academy students. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and/or ideas.

Careers Talks

Employer presentations are one of the most effective and direct methods of informing students about career opportunities and career pathways in your industry.

‘Careers Insight’ sessions are information giving sessions rather than recruitment centred, so we welcome generalised presentations, although some mention of your organisation is acceptable. The objective of the talk should be to give an insight into different types of careers, and ideally should be general to the sector. It should describe the type of jobs/sectors available, typical career progression, future developments, etc. Students are also always very interested in the qualities that employers are looking for as well as how to prepare for selection events.

If you would like to run a session, please get in touch to discuss your ideas.

Work Experience

Work placements are invaluable in helping our students to develop their understanding of the world of work, make more informed career choices and raise their awareness of the employability skills they need to build successful careers. It also helps our students to grow in confidence and maturity.

We are always looking for employers to host students for placements, whether for one day, a whole week or for a few hours a week on a regular basis. If you can accommodate one of our students in your work place, please do let us know.

Mock Interviews

Mock interviews offer an excellent opportunity for students to practise their interview skills and gain valuable feedback. As well as showing your commitment to the School, mock interviews also give you the opportunity to develop the skills of your own interviewers.

Looking to Recruit?

The School’s Careers Service is here to help you with your recruitment needs. We offer a variety of ways in which you can reach students, advertise vacancies and take part in events.

We welcome contact from recruiters and are happy to discuss any ideas on how better to facilitate the recruitment of Madeley Academy students.

Interviewing on Site

We offer a service whereby employers can hold interviews on site for work experience, internship, apprenticeship or other employment roles. Arranging first round interviews at School is convenient to students, with interviewing facilities being available throughout the year.

Careers Team Contact Information

Tel:     01952 527700
